Scan Body Rosen Screw 1.6

Scan Body Rosen Screw 1.6

Rosen Screw for multi unit

for 3D CAD CAM

Library on demand

Compatible TOV Implant + Alfa Gate CopaSKY (Bredent) Dentium Ditron GDT MIS Ritter Uris (TruAbutment)


No More Ti-Base

Ti-Base is not needed due to the geometry of the screw head, using Ti-Base has a potential of de-bonding and loosening of the prosthesis

Can Be Tourqe By Hand Only

YES! The head geometry will lock into the screw channel and will provide locking and prevent loosening of the screw, also the screw can be tourqe up to 20N with any material like Resin, PMMA, Graphite and Zirkonia.

Simple & Reliable

The digital Libraries of the screw allows direct connection of the prosthesis to the MUA. A true screw retained prosthesis

Cost Efficient

The Screw cost is competitive with all other conventional screws in the market

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